Annual General Meeting (AGM)


9:00 am President’s Welcome

9:05 am AGM Presidents Report

9:15 am Treasurer’s Report

9:20 am Life Membership

9:40 am Business Partner Presentation: Atomi

9:50 am Jordana Hunter, Grattan Institute

10:40 am Morning Tea

11:10 am Business Partner Presentation: Compass

11:20 am Meg Durham, Wellbeing Speaker & Educator. Presentation – Thrive By Design: a Proactive Approach to Wellbeing

12:55 pm Celebrating retiring VASSP members

1:10 pm Colin Axup, VASSP President Closing Remarks

Life Memberships Granted:


Retired Members:



Annual General Meeting (AGM)


9:00 am President’s Welcome

9:05 am AGM Presidents Report

9:15 am Bank First Study Award Presentations

19:30 am Jane Wilkinson and Dr Fiona Longmuir (Monash University) Invisible labour: School principals’ emotional labour in volatile times (part 1)

10:30 am Morning Tea

11:00 am Jane Wilkinson and Dr Fiona Longmuir (Monash University) Invisible labour: School principals’ emotional labour in volatile times (part 2)

11:45 am Dr Amy Silver – The Courage to Lead the Future High performance depends on our management of fear, individually and collectively.

12:45 pm Business Partner Presentation: Compass

12:55 pmColin Axup, VASSP President – Closing Remarks

1:00 pmCollegiate Lunch – Acknowledgement of Business Partners

Life Memberships Granted:

Tim Blunt, Principal of Sunshine College


Retired Members:

Hugh Blaikie

Andrew Dixon

Robert Graham

Cathy Hogg

Gary Palmer

Jim Papas

David Reynolds

Cherie Kilpatrick

David Browne

Adam Ross

Gail Hardman

Frank Merlino

John Baston

Robert Lewkowicz