

Opening remarks &  Acknowledgment of Country: Colin Axup, VASSP President.


Annual General Meeting.


Business Partner Presentation.


Presentation: Dr Jordana Hunter, Grattan Institute.
Spreading Success: Multi-school Organisations.


Morning Tea


Business Partner Presentation.


Presentation: Meg Durham, Wellbeing Speaker & Educator
Thrive By Design: a Proactive Approach to Wellbeing


Celebrating retired VASSP members.


Closing Remarks: Colin Axup, VASSP President.


Collegiate Lunch. Acknowledgement of Business Partners.
Our Presenters​
Dr Jordana Hunter
Education Program Director The Grattan Institute
Dr Jordana Hunter is the Director of the Education Program at the Grattan Institute. She has a PhD in education policy design and implementation and has co-authored multiple reports on school education policy and school improvement.

Spreading Success: The Multi-school Organisations

Jordana will delve into Grattan’s Multi School Organisation research, offering insights into the Reading Guarantee, sharing its implications for secondary schools, and recent findings on how schools are reimagining education, highlighting innovative approaches and lessons learned.

The Grattan Institute

The Grattan Institute is a non- Governement funded, independent Australian think tank who develop evidence-based public policy recommendations for Australia. All Grattan research, reports, and events are freely available online.
Meg Durham
Wellbeing Speaker and Educator
Meg Durham is a teacher wellbeing specialist, wellbeing speaker, and host of ‘The School of Wellbeing Podcast’. She empowers educators to move beyond survival and to thrive by design.

Thrive By Design: A Proactive Approach to Wellbeing

As big-hearted professionals working in schools, we frequently prioritise the needs of others over our own, resulting in motional exhaustion and physical depletion. In this presentation, we will explore practical ways to navigate the relentless demands of school life and move forward with more energy, clarity, and confidence.
Through her coaching and education consultancy, Meg combines wellbeing science with coaching psychology to support individuals and organisations as they navigate the real challenges of caring for themselves and their people.